I spent years fishing with a hook, but God showed me it was time to start casting nets far and wide. From the onset, the plan has always been for The Bridge Center Recovery to be more than just a facility. We see ourselves as a hospital for sick men to get well. Our commitment to providing steadfast support and spiritual guidance has transformed us into a community where men can meet the grace of God and be equipped to carry the message. We know that addicts can overcome the grips of drugs and alcohol because we have seen it in men who have been helped by our program. It is vital that our community lock arms with us and help us fight this battle together.
The Bridge Center Recovery exists to help men afflicted with addiction meet the grace of God through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. We believe that a spiritual program of action taken inside of a structured environment is the key to freedom from the chains of addiction. This process of healing leads to building healthy families and individuals equipped with the tools necessary to transform communities.
It is our vision to eradicate addiction, one addict and alcoholic at a time.