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Help us help them.


Addiction is a community issue.

It is our goal to spread awareness, truth and understanding about recovery. We know that addicts can overcome the grips of drugs/alcohol because we have personally seen it in the men who have been helped by our program. It is vital that our community lock arms with us and help us fight this battle together.



Ways you can help:

  • Keep us in your prayers. Please pray that our team clearly hears the voice of God in regard to the direction that we need to go. We also ask that you cover their families in prayer.

  • Get involved. Do you have a special skill? We keep a resource file of skilled workers and employers so we know who to contact when a need arises. In addition, we can always use a helping hand at our fundraisers and community events.

  • Spread the word. This one is simple. Tell people about us.

  • Donate. Our general fund helps us cover our overhead and keeps us operating while Scholarship funds serve the neediest community members who would be destitute without a helping hand.

  • Bridge Center Merch. Buy Bridge Center apparel. You can be a walking billboard for us.