Inpatient Services
Our 16 Week Program
The Bridge Center Recovery is dedicated to breaking the strongholds of addiction in our community and beyond. We offer an in-patient program for men struggling to get sober & stay sober. Our program and facilities provide a safe and structured environment for men 18 and older that encourages open-mindedness, willingness, obedience, and a present sense of community.
We use a program of action including the proven methods of the 12 steps, alongside building a relationship with Jesus Christ. We require a minimum stay of 120 days because we believe that old habits die hard. It takes time to retrain our brains to seek truth and identify lies. We believe that alcohol/drugs are not the problem, but a temporary solution to the problem. Not only do we teach the “ins and outs” of addiction, but we also take a hard look at the root cause of the addiction.